Promoting an interest in the history of Owain Glyndwr, the Welsh Son of Prophecy, his life, times and society and his great Welsh War of Independence;also promoting causes today in Glyndwr's spirit and promoting the flying of the Glyndwr flag on Sept 16 Glyndwr Day.

Friday, April 27, 2007

New Glyndwr Four Lions Embroidered Badge.

Maint: 2½” x 3” Size 2½” x 3”

Dyma gyfle i gael gwared ar y 'dwster brenhinol' oddi ae eich crysau rygbi! Darllennwch ymlaen...

Fel rhan o'r ymgyrch i gael gwared o'r 'dwster brenhinol' neu'r tri pluen 'ich dien' oddiar dir Cymru, mae Llysgenhadaeth Glyndŵr bellach wedi sicrhau cyflenwad o fathodynnau clwt o 'arfbais 4 llew rampiant Glyndŵr' wedi eu brodio. Gellir rwan felly, fynegi eich protest drwy dynnu'r 'dwster' oddi ar eich dilledyn a gwnio'r arfbais ar y dilledyn yn ei le. Neu, wrth gwrs, gellir gwnio'r arfbais clwt ar unrhyw ddilledyn o'ch dewis eich hunain.

Gellir ond cael yr eitem yma oddi wrth Llysgenhadaeth Glyndŵr (tydio ddim ar gael mewn siopau) a'r pris yw £2 + 40c cludiant. Pris bychan iawn i dalu os ydych am gymryd rhan yn yr ymgyrch i gael gwared o 'ddwster yr ymhonnwr' a cofiwch y byddwch, ar yr un pryd, yn helpu i gynnal gwaith Llysgenhadaeth Glyndŵr sydd ddim yn cael unrhyw fath o nawdd o gwbl.

Gyrrwch sieciau, wedi eu gwneud yn daladwy i Sian Ifan, 34, Bethesda Court, Prince of Wales Rd, Abertawe SA1 2EY :Ffon: 01792 533806. Diolch.


As part of our campaign to get rid of the 'royal duster or the 'ich'dien three feathers' from Cymru, Embassy Glyndŵr has now got a supply of 'Glyndŵr's Four Lion's Rampant' embroidered cloth badges for sale which will enable anybody who wishes to voice their support to this campaign, to purchase the aforementioned cloth patches to sew on to their rugby shirts, or any other item of clothing, in protest and as an alternative to the 'three feathers'.

These cloth badges can only be purchased from Embassy Glyndŵr, they won't be found in shops, and are priced at £2 each + 40p pxp. A small price to pay if you wish to participate in the campaign to be rid of 'the Pretender's duster' and remember that you will, at the same time, be helping to support the work of Embassy Glyndwr who is not grant assisted in any way.

Send cheques, made payable to Sian Ifan, to 34, Bethesda Court, Prince of Wales Rd, Abertawe SA1 2EY. Phone: Tel: 01972 533806. Diolch.

Sian Ifan.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Adrian Jones, President of the Owain Glyndŵr Society in a letter in a recent issue of 'Y Cymro' Welsh Language newspaper again insists that Owain Glyndŵr is dead and is buried in Herefordshire! What is wrong with these people and who's cause are they assisting by their insistence on proving that the 'Mab Darogan' is dead?
Its important to remember that Owain Glyndŵr is not only remembered as a Great Warrior Prince and Statesman, he was also chosen and recognised as the 'Mab Darogan' – the Son of Prophecy with widespread stories of his birth happening in dramatic and mysterious circumstances and then his disappearance in mysterious circumstances. Of course, no living person knows the truth surrounding his disappearance but does Adrian Jones and The Owain Glyndŵr Society really believe that a person as shrewd as Owain Glyndŵr - who was well aware of the importance of maintaining the prophecy as part of the continuing campaign for a Free Wales, would allow his body to be buried in a place so obvious that it could easily be sought out by the enemy, dug up and publicly exhibited as a means of proving that the Welsh leader Prince and the 'Mab Darogan' was dead – along with the prophecy and any hope of a free Wales! Of course not. For the sake of the prophecy and the continuing campaign, he would have made sure that his body was never found by entrusting his closest confidants generals to seal him into a hidden cave whilst still alive - and whilst he could still make sure that his orders were carried out to the last detail - and as far as Embassy Glyndŵr, Pobl Glyndŵr and other true Welsh Patriots are concerned, that's where he sleeps until he hears a loud enough call from the Cymry to lead us once again in the continuing campaign for the Independence of our homeland.
Prince Owain, who was well versed in his nation's history, knew only too well that Edward had previously used the tactic of claiming to have discovered the bones of King Arthur at Glastonbury in order to undermine the Welsh cause and struggle for freedom and to make it clear that there would be no opposition to his claim to have sovereignty over Cymru, was Prince Owain so short sighted that he would have allowed himself to die and be buried in such an obvious site as his daughter's home for Henry V to find? No way!
The Kentchurch Story has as much truth in it as Gelert's Grave (Shall we dig that up?) or Llywelyn ap Gruffydd being killed at Cilmeri – when, in fact, his assassination took place at Aberedw. These stories are very much the product of Victorian imagination to either advance gentry family status or as means of promoting early tourism,

If Adrian Jones, and the Owain Glyndŵr Society cannot accept this 'Patriotic Truth', then we can only hope that he and they come to realise other possibilities, if Glyndŵr's body was discovered what then? Let's remember “whose land” this land now is! It now belongs to the English Pretender Prince – thanks to the Owain Glyndŵr Society who drew his attention to it in the first place by claiming that Glyndŵr was buried there! It's bad enough that they intend to seek permission off him to dig for the bones therefore recognising the English Pretender Prince, then what if Glyndŵr's body was found? Further crawling to the English Pretender to hold services and commemorations on ''His Land'' Other than this, what if Owain Glyndŵr's body was discovered, are archaelogists and scientists to be allowed to mess about with an ancestor's remains? Get it Adrian? So why not leave well alone and forget these silly spurious claims to having discovered the last resting place of our past, present and future 'Tywysog Cymru'.

Finely, and most importantly, not only was it most regrettable for Adrian Jones to make comparisons between Owain Glyndŵr, Warrior Statesman and Osama Bin Laden in his letter to 'Y Cymro' but it was pretty stupid really as there is not the slightest comparison to be made. Surely as a ''giant'' Osama Bin Laden stands shoulder to shoulder with Hitler, Stalin and other exemperlaries of cruelty and mass slaughter. Owain Glyndŵr was a medieval hero and if comparisons are to be drawn then please let them be made with national heroes of Owain Glyndŵr's own contemporary times as, for example, Vytautus the Great of Lithuania 1350 - 1430, Engelbrekt Engelbreksen of Sweden 1390 - 1436, John Hanyadi of Hungary 1387 - 1456, Skanderbeg of Albania 1405 - 1468, Pier Gerlofs Donia of the Frisian Islands 1480 - 1520, Milos Osilic of Serbia and Joan of Arc of France. These National Heroes, like Owain Glyndŵr, had much else in comparison also - in so far that during the 19th and the 20th Centuries and, indeed, in to our present times, they are used as ''iconic symbols'' of national identity, awareness and consciousness. In Particular, they are seen as important historic figures upon whose history of struggles for freedom, restored nations and newly established states may be founded. These are the giants of patriotic histories those with an interest in Owain Glyndŵr and our 'Gwaith Glyndŵr', need to look to, and most certainly not Osama Bin Laden.

Siân Ifan.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Our Sacred Hills: Heritage in the Landscape

The Windmilling of Wales - When will it Stop?

There can be no doubt that our environment and the landscape of Wales is as much an important part of our heritage as are the sites of important historic events and our material culture. Such was brought to our attention of late by a letter in the Western Mail from Dr John Etherington on the issue of the ‘Windmilling of Wales’ – Industrialisation of the landscape. In his letter, he pointed out that to build a huge ‘Windmill Factory’ on the Pumlumon range, the five summits of the Mabinogion and the landscape of Arthur, Bedwyr and Cai is nothing less than a sacrilege; and let us not forget that it was also on Pumlumon, of Course, in May of 1401 that Prince Owain Glyndŵr called his Assembly of the 'Barwniaid of Cymru' to make Covenant with him to seek, through struggle, the independence of Wales.
Reasons enough in themselves for us to scream "leave our heritage alone" but there are also a number of significant "esoteric" reasons as to why the Pumlumon range should be regarded as our 'sacred mountains' - in much the same way that the Sioux regarded the Black hills of Dakota as sacred. Who amongst us is not aware of the fact that American seekers of gold plundered and desecrated the Black hills, an issue which sparked off the last Great War of the “Plains Indians”. Sadly, we know where that led to, yes, victory at the Little Big Horn initially but then, the Massacre of Wounded Knee. Like the Black Hills, the Pumlumon mountains, in the past, have been plundered, desecrated and scarred by the mining for lead and now, they are to be similarly ravaged by the intrusion of alien looking useless metal windmills upon the landscape. The Pumlumon Mountains are the source of the Afon Hafren/River Severn of the Celtic Goddess Hafren aka Sabrina to the Romans, thus indeed sacred waters flow from these mountains to make the greatest of our rivers. A river that many years ago was long the boundary between Brythonic Cymry and Saxons, before the final Mercian onslaught from the East that caused to arise Offa's great Dyke.
argument that has been peddled is that these windmills will bring economic advantages to the communities they colonise but, this is more and more being disproved. Then, flippantly, the point is made that in previous centuries the landscape was full of signal towers but, that was not true of Wales apart from some coastal areas. Next shot across the bow is that we have put up with power pylons for years and that at least windmills are more aesethetically beautiful! really, in whose eyes may we ask?
Yes, the Middle Ages was a time for wind and water mill power but, Prince Owain and his ‘Barefoot Welsh Doggis’ made short shrift of them, knowing, even then, that they were largely to the economic advantage of the foriegn colonialists so, the question begs to be asked again now, in whose greater interest are these wind mills today?
We feel, that opponents to wind mills are winning the moral and righteuos argument - especially as put forward by Dr Etherington, but still they appear, in their multiples! It has lately come to our attention that windmills are now parking themselves in the hills of 'Rhyfel y Sais Bach' in Ceredigion
and soon will desecrate Abergwesyn - a site of ancient celtic water goddesses such as ‘Aerfen’. Prince Owain will not be pleased about that! Taking all into consideration, we at Embassy Glyndŵr can only view these wind mills as being as much a problem as unnecessary housing developments, golf courses, roads and open cast mining developments.
We feel that there is a strong enough case for 'Landscape Heritage' to also be a matter for ‘Tarian Glyndŵr’ concern and should be incorporated into the Tarian Glyndŵr Campaign. We now request that Pobl Glyndŵr consider these matters and let us have their views and opinions. Also, please inform us of sites of interest that you think that ‘Tarian Glyndŵr’ should be concerned about .

Please let us know if you have a particular interest in playing an active part in the ‘Antur Tarian Glyndŵr’ Campaign. We welcome all contributions to this matter of national importance. If you do have information on local heritage areas under threat, please send us full information and, where possible, please send relevant photos for our data base. Last but not least support local Anti - Windmill Protest Groups. The Ramblers are very proactive in leading the way on this issue of such grave concern to Cymru.